
Social-Science Commentary on the Gospel of John is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Social-Science Commentary series presents a pioneering alternative commentary genre that offers a contextual approach to the study of the New Testament, thoroughly grounded in the original audience’s first-century cultural setting. This commentary on the Gospel of John builds on the unique format and success of the Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels and includes illustrations...

side, with in-group on top, and get to realize where this in-group really has its moorings—in the above, with God and the One he sent, Jesus, the true Son of God (] Son of God 1:29–34) and Son of Man (Son of Man 1:35–51). In sum, the social function of antilanguage and its in-group and out-group labels is to support and cement relationships within the in-group. Such group attachment in the anti-introspective ancient Mediterranean is called “love,” the basic requirement of Jesus in this Gospel. The
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